Received a email stateing that my avg had been installed, but I cannot find it anywhere in my computer. Aditionaly when I went to support was informed that I had nothing registered. Did I waste my money?

Robert, What AVG product have you purchased?..
Have a look @ this new form link ( to get chat & phone support. There's a Sales Support section. Otherwise, When available, A member of the official AVG Community Support in Brno, Czech Rep… (Working Hours [Mon-Fri] 9:00am - 5:00pm CET) will see your topic & respond but please bear in mind that this assistance may not now be available until @ least the 2nd January 2015. See the 'Happy Holidays' banner @ the top of this webpage.
AVG Guru

Robert, What AVG product have you purchased?..
Have a look @ this new form link ( to get chat & phone support. There's a Sales Support section. Otherwise, When available, A member of the official AVG Community Support in Brno, Czech Rep… (Working Hours [Mon-Fri] 9:00am - 5:00pm CET) will see your topic & respond but please bear in mind that this assistance may not now be available until @ least the 2nd January 2015. See the 'Happy Holidays' banner @ the top of this webpage.
AVG Guru

Hi Robert,
What is current status, were you able to solve it or do you still need our assistance?

Received an email that my avg was installed, however I cannot find it anywhere in my computer. Additionaly when I went to support was informed  that I had nothing registered.  Did I waste my money?

Hi Robert,
What is current status, were you able to solve it or do you still need our assistance?