Reduction of features in "update" not what I paid for with my subscription

Hi Christina,

This isn't the experience we want you to have.

Our developers has designed the revamped version depending upon customer reviews & the number of customers using all features.
If you wish to notify this to the concerned team, you can submit a feedback by : Opening AVG TuneUp - Menu - About - Submit feedback.

Regarding the program on your computer, would you be so kind to let us know what happens exactly while accessing it. Do you receive any error message? If so, share us the screenshot of it for better clarity.

Thank you for your understanding in advance!

Looking back at comments going back to Dec. 18, 2018, it is clear just how many features have been removed. This is disappointing. This had been a fantastic product. Now I am not sure if I will renew the subscription. Suddenly my AVG Tune Up stops working, no explanation, no option of not "upgrading." It is disappointing.

Hi Christina,

This isn't the experience we want you to have.

Our developers has designed the revamped version depending upon customer reviews & the number of customers using all features.
If you wish to notify this to the concerned team, you can submit a feedback by : Opening AVG TuneUp - Menu - About - Submit feedback.

Regarding the program on your computer, would you be so kind to let us know what happens exactly while accessing it. Do you receive any error message? If so, share us the screenshot of it for better clarity.

Thank you for your understanding in advance!