Jenny, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (
AVG Guru
I checked my bank statement today and noticed an unauthorised charge on my account for £29.99 on 24th April 2018 to DRI AVG Technologies. I only used the trial version and have definitely not requested any subscriptions now, nor in the future. I am therefor confused, concerned and irritated about this since I'm on benefits and cannot afford to lose this money.
I have spoken to my bank who have blocked any future payments but also told me to ring you on 0845 603 5070 but no-one answers my call to request a refund.
Please can the service team assist as soon as possible?
Thankyou in advance.
I have spoken to my bank who have blocked any future payments but also told me to ring you on 0845 603 5070 but no-one answers my call to request a refund.
Please can the service team assist as soon as possible?
Thankyou in advance.
Jenny, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (
AVG Guru
AVG Guru