Refund for transaction not approved

Hi Tori,

We acknowledge your refund request.
The recent charge is for the renewal of AVG TuneUp - Unlimited subscription as you agreed to automatic extensions when you signed up your free trial. AVG TuneUp is a computer maintenance and optimization tool. It analyzes and fixes different issues that might occur on your computer, improves the speed of the system and makes it more secure.
We can assure you that we have not processed any unauthorized payments from your card or account. We sent an email notification 10 days prior to the order being placed to let you know in advance that this payment was due. This also contained information on how to cancel your Subscription.
If you still wish to have a refund, let us know to proceed further. Thank you.
Today January 29, 2019, at 10:16 AM MST my pay pal account was charged the amount of $53.09 by DRI*AVG Technologies. I do not know what this is for, nor did I approve this transaction. I need a refund for the amount specified. 

Hi Tori,

We acknowledge your refund request.
The recent charge is for the renewal of AVG TuneUp - Unlimited subscription as you agreed to automatic extensions when you signed up your free trial. AVG TuneUp is a computer maintenance and optimization tool. It analyzes and fixes different issues that might occur on your computer, improves the speed of the system and makes it more secure.
We can assure you that we have not processed any unauthorized payments from your card or account. We sent an email notification 10 days prior to the order being placed to let you know in advance that this payment was due. This also contained information on how to cancel your Subscription.
If you still wish to have a refund, let us know to proceed further. Thank you.