I purchased AVG Internet Security & Tune-Up on 19 & 20 November respectively.
Shortly after installing them, I began to have problems with Mac Mail. Emails would not download. It took a while but I began to suspect it was the AVG programs causing the problem as that was the only thing on my Mac that was different.
I contacted Apple support and they told me to uninstall AVG programs. They said they are not necessary on a Mac anyway.
I did as instructed. I uninstalled AVG and my system began working correctly again.
I then contacted yourselves requesting a refund for programs I’d purchased in good faith but that were of no use to me. You replied that I must allow your technician to reinstall programs for me.
Against my better judgement, I allowed your technician to take control of my Mac. After installing Internet Security he told me he was going to reboot my Mac and that it would automatically reconnect to him. Sadly, it did not. The Mac crashed completely. After what seemed about an hour to me, I finally managed to get it booted back up but it was behaving most strangely and I couldn’t control it.
I again contacted your technical department a second technician uninstalled Internet Security again.
Unfortunately isolating the cause of my problems (AVG), and fixing them, has taken me passed 30 days since date of purchase. Things do take me a long time.
I have requested a refund for the two programs that are totally worthless to me. I will not be able to use them. But you have refused on the ground that 30 days have past.
I feel your refusal is disrespectful, unreasonable and unprofessional. I am so disappointed in you as a company.
I once again respectfully request a refund for programs purchased in good faith but that have caused me nothing but stress and several wasted hours on the phone both to Apple and AVG support.
I once again respectfully request a refund for programs purchased in good faith but that have caused me nothing but stress and several wasted hours on the phone both to Apple and AVG support.