Regarding fake commitment

Hello Rahul,
We replied to your original post (!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_DETAIL&dc=Billing_MyAccount_v2&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&id=9060N000000EXyUQAW) and revert to us for further assistance.
Thank you.

Dear Avj support

I am very disappoint , that your agent rumola says , my amount has been refunded on 24 /9

while i got your email on 25/9 ,that my amount is on the way and in next 5 to 7 days it will be refund

Ans also i havent got my refunded amount.  So please take it on priority and refund my amount

Hello Rahul,
We replied to your original post (!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_DETAIL&dc=Billing_MyAccount_v2&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&id=9060N000000EXyUQAW) and revert to us for further assistance.
Thank you.