Reinstall pc tune up after windows 10 download

Mike, Win 10 & PC TuneUp… Did you actually see this article (
AVG Guru

Hi Mike,
I will help you with the issue,
Please try to type the license number along with dashes
And also check for characters like letter O and number 0,
Please let us know if are able to activate it now.
Thank you

says invalid licence # on first letter I've tried upper case lower case i can copy licence # but it won't let me paste #
Mike, Win 10 & PC TuneUp.. Did you actually see this article (
AVG Guru

Hi Mike,
I will help you with the issue,
Please try to type the license number along with dashes
And also check for characters like letter O and number 0,
Please let us know if are able to activate it now.
Thank you