Renewal of AVG PC Tuneup

Hello Mary,
We really appreciate your valuable efforts which you have taken to fix it. We have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue. Thank you.

When trying to active my licence renewal my new licence number is 'invalid'.  I have tried copy and paste, and also typing it in but it continues to come up with Invalid Licence Number.

Why is this?
Hello Mary,
We really appreciate your valuable efforts which you have taken to fix it. We have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue. Thank you.
I have not received an email instruction to get connected to your technical support team.  The only email I received was with the above reply plus a link to this site.