Renewal of products

Hello Desmond,

It looks like you have reached our sales team regarding this.
If you still need help, do let us know.
Please be informed that, if auto renewal is enabled, email notification will be sent prior explaining the status and the charge that is going to be debited. 
Thank you.

I have three products that I currently use and all are due for renewal this year but on different dates:
Antivirus - 17.02.2019
PC TuneUp - 03.03.2019
Secure VPN - 05.04.2019

I would like to do the renewal on one date if possible, and would like to do it manually after notification, and not automatic renewal without notice.

Please advise.


Hello Desmond,

It looks like you have reached our sales team regarding this.
If you still need help, do let us know.
Please be informed that, if auto renewal is enabled, email notification will be sent prior explaining the status and the charge that is going to be debited. 
Thank you.