Renewal Subscription

Hello Erwin.
Thanking for contacting AVG support community.
We are glad to help you.
Could you please contact our AVG billing & sales team using this link: Contact AVG Support - AVG Phone Number, and Chat Support ( they will check and help you with the AVG products at best offers and deals.
Thank you and keep us updated.

I would like to extend my AVG Security, AVG Anti Track, AVG Tune Up and AVG VPN subscriptions for 2 years. However, I can only pay on May 23 because then my income comes in. The VPN, Tune Up and the Anti Track have already expired and I am therefore unprotected for another 2 weeks.
Is there a possibility to immediately renew the subscriptions or do I have to wait until my income is received?

Yours sincerely:
Erwin Kamphuis 

Hello Erwin.
Thanking for contacting AVG support community.
We are glad to help you.
Could you please contact our AVG billing & sales team using this link: ( they will check and help you with the AVG products at best offers and deals.
Thank you and keep us updated.