Renovação de assinatura

Hello Lelio,

Currently, the support here is provided in English.
Could you explain the concern in our support language?

Dear Sirs,
Thank you very much for your understanding. 
This gesture keeps me credible in you.
Let me understand how the refund is being made … are you sending me any credit by any means or will the amount be refunded from my credit card account?

I'm so sorry, but your emails must have gone into quarantine, and I do not see these types of emails, deleting them for fear they have a virus.
Even so I would like the possibility of cancellation of this renewal. My current financial situation is not allowing me to have unplanned expenses.
I would appreciate your help.

Se eu autorizei a renovação automática sob o contrato anterior, envie-me uma cópia do contrato para verificação.

Se não houver tal cláusula no contrato, ela foi renovada sem consulta, e se não houver distrato até 03 de dezembro, eu passarei o problema ao meu advogado!

Além disso, se isso já foi contratado anteriormente, eu peço que a cláusula de renovação automática seja retirada, já que acho que é um bom tom, questionar antes, e já que eu considero pequenos contratos, uma armadilha, para pegar desavisados, que como eu não tem paciência para ler esses contratos?

Confiando que esta empresa continua a gozar do meu maior prestígio e trabalha com a mais digna ética, aguardo a cópia solicitada!

Rewriting in english...

If I have authorized the automatic renewal under the previous agreement, please send me a copy of the agreement for verification.
If there is no such clause in the contract, it has been renewed without my previous authorization, and if there is no distract until December 3, I will pass the problem to my lawyer!
In addition, if this has already been contracted previously, I ask that the automatic renewal clause be withdrawn, since I think it is a good tone, to question before, and since I consider small letters in contracts, a trap, to catch people, that as I do not have the patience to read these contracts!
Trusting that this company continues to enjoy my greatest prestige and works with the most dignified ethics, I await the requested copy!
Thank you

Hello, Lelio.
Thank you for writing your query in English. AVG products are sold as subscriptions and remain valid until you cancel them. We try to be clear about this both before and after your purchase, and we explain how to cancel subscriptions in various places, including:

- In our shopping cart before purchase.
- In the confirmation email we send after purchase.
- In notification emails we send before charging for subsequent subscription periods.

If you look at the order confirmation email sent to you on 9th Dec 2017 (the day you bought AVG TuneUp - Unlimited (1 year subscription) initially), you will find the information about automatic renewal under the clause "Sobre sua assinatura". We've also sent you a notification email about the upcoming automatic renewal on 25th Oct 2018, which also contains instructions to cancel if you do not want to continue.

Dear Sirs,
Thank you very much for your understanding. 
This gesture keeps me credible in you.
Let me understand how the refund is being made … are you sending me any credit by any means or will the amount be refunded from my credit card account?

I'm so sorry, but your emails must have gone into quarantine, and I do not see these types of emails, deleting them for fear they have a virus.
Even so I would like the possibility of cancellation of this renewal. My current financial situation is not allowing me to have unplanned expenses.
I would appreciate your help.

We certainly understand your situation, and we would like to inform you that the refund of your order has been started.

Once we finish our internal refund procedure, the transaction will be processed by the payment operator. You will receive additional confirmation in a separate e-mail.

Please take a note that the exact time the refunded amount will reach your account depends on payment operators, therefore we can no longer influence this process.

Generally, it should not take more than 7 business days.

Hello Lelio,

Currently, the support here is provided in English.
Could you explain the concern in our support language?

You are welcome.

The refunded amount will return to your payment method which you used for purchase.