Renovação de conta

Hello Marco, 

We acknowledge your request to cancel AVG subscription. The support available here is in English currently. You can use Translator for translation purpose.

It isn't recommended to share account/order, personal info over this public post. We have sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert back to us.

Gostaria de informar que não desejo renovar a minha conta e não autorizo a fazer a cobrança direta no meu cartão de credito.
Sem mais,


Marco Antonio Pio Neto

Hello Marco, 

We acknowledge your request to cancel AVG subscription. The support available here is in English currently. You can use Translator for translation purpose.

It isn't recommended to share account/order, personal info over this public post. We have sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert back to us.