Hi Bala,
Are you aware of recent false-positive, where Resident Shield quarantines rundll32.exe in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe ?
Is the Resident Shield the always-active component that constantly scans the machine for changes in files ?
What if its disabled ? Is there any other scan that monitors or manual Full scan is needed ?
Appreciate your patience. The reason for the detection was AVG detected a part of the file code falsely. However, I would like to confirm that this issue is fixed now.
Thank you for confirming it.
I have forwarded the case to senior technical team to get suggestion.
Please keep checking the post to know about the status.
Hello Krasimir,
Yes, AVG Resident Shield will always be running on the background.
The Resident Shield service is a part of the Computer component of AVG and scans files as they are copied,
opened, or saved.
When a virus or any kind of threat is detected, you will be warned immediately.
Disabling it causes high chance of vulnerability for PC.
If you perform full computer scan it will obviously check for suspicious activity and infected files, however resident shield protection is continuous monitor for your PC.
You are most welcome.
The false positive can be due to various reasons. To get the exact reason, I have to escalate to developers team, shall I proceed with that?
What was the reason for it ? On the details on the alert i see CCleaner Agent path ?
Thank you for Resident Shield details.
Are you aware of recent false-positive, where Resident Shield quarantines rundll32.exe in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe ?