Richiesta di rimborso

Hello Maria,

Sorry for not replying in your language. This community basically in English language. Please translate your query in English or please visit

Thank you.

ciao! sei riuscita ad ottenere il rimborso? come?

Vorrei ottenere il rimborso di quanto addebitato a titolo di rinnovo automatico da Avg in data 14/06/2017 (euro 75,99) perchè ho cambiato computer qualche mese fa e nell'acquisto era compreso un altro software antivirus. Ho provato varie volte ad accedere alla sezione assistenza per  chiedere il rimborso sperando che ci fosse assistenza in italiano ma purtroppo c'è solo in inglese... Chiedo cortesemente di riaccreditarmi quanto addebitato perchè non uso tale antivirus. Grazie. Maria Grazia

Hello Martina,

From the translation provided by Alan, I understand that you wish to get refund.
Please let us know for which AVG product you are trying to get the refund.

Hello Maria,

Sorry for not replying in your language. This community basically in English language. Please translate your query in English or please visit

Thank you.

ciao! sei riuscita ad ottenere il rimborso? come?

@ Martina Ghirlanda
Martina, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Italian to English]
Hello! were you able to get a refund? as?
AVG Guru

Maria, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Italian to English]
I would like to get a refund of my Avg automatic renewal on 14/06/2017 (€ 75.99) because I changed my computer a few months ago and bought another anti-virus software. I have tried several times to access the assistance section to claim the refund hoping for assistance in Italian but unfortunately there is only English … I kindly ask you to re-accredit my charges for not using that antivirus. Thank you.
AVG Guru