Rinnovo abbonamennto

Hi Mauro,

We’re so sorry but we only provide answers in English, could you try your question again?

Thank you!

Ho Ricevuto l'Avviso Scadenza (28/05/2017) dell' Abbonamento AVG Internet Security mi chiedono di rinnovarlo ma non E chiaro se il rinnovo sarà semper per due anni come da Attivazione del 28/05/2015 

Hi Mauro,

We understand your concern, we would like to inform you that the Renewal of the AVG Internet Security will be for two years. You can get in touch with our Chat Team https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form?l=&retUrl=support_sales to help you with the Renewal along with some exciting offers.

Thank you!

Mauro, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Italian to English]
renewal subscription
I received the notice deadline (05.28.2017) of the 'Subscription AVG Internet Security ask me to renew it but there is clear whether the renewal will always be for two years as from activation of 28.05.2015
AVG Guru

Hi Mauro,

We’re so sorry but we only provide answers in English, could you try your question again?

Thank you!