Rinnovo automatico

Salve, speriamo di trovare qualcuno che mi dia una risposta …da qualche ora mi è stato rinnovato AUTOMATICAMTE l abbonamento a 79 euro e IO NON VOLEVO. POSSO DISDIRE IL RINNOVO APPENA FATTO E AVERE IL RIMBORSO?

Hello Nicola.
Support on this channel is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, https://translate.google.com/) to read our message. 

We acknowledge your request to cancel the recent renewal. As per our records, you already submitted a refund request through our websites. 
Our refund team has already initiated the refund and it will take 5 to 7 business days to complete the process.

Hello Nicola.
Support on this channel is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, https://translate.google.com/) to read our message. 

We acknowledge your request to cancel the recent renewal. As per our records, you already submitted a refund request through our websites. 
Our refund team has already initiated the refund and it will take 5 to 7 business days to complete the process.