ROES (Remote Order Entry System)

Hi Kishore,
The program name is - AVG Internet Security 2015, File version 2015.0.6081
I cannot think of any messages about nor popups appearing, blocked or otherwise.
Thanks for your help.
Cheers, Kim

Hello Kim. I am sorry to hear that. Could you please let us know the AVG program installed on your PC and have you received any blocking popups from the AVG program? Thank you.

Thanks this helped me get the ROES system for Pikto working. Jim

Hi - I have been using ROES recently with no problems, however on my most recent attempt to launch the software I was presented with the following message appearing in a window titled 'Notice' - Another version of ROESWebStart is currently running.

I have tried reloading and installing with the repair option the ROES software when this did not work I have tried uninstalling, switching computer off and downloading and installing the ROES software after restarting. The problem as described still happens, do you have any advice please

The advice from my lab who provide the ROES software is as follows -

We have came across this issue a couple of times this week, the known issue from the customers that we have helped is AVG being corrupt. This is then preventing ROES to Launch.

To allow ROES to launch you will require removing AVG from your programmes list as unfortunately it does not look like a simple uninstall/reinstall of AVG is solving the issue.

Please advise if there is a way of adjusting AVG to prevent this.

Cheers, Kim

Hi Kishore,
The program name is - AVG Internet Security 2015, File version 2015.0.6081
I cannot think of any messages about nor popups appearing, blocked or otherwise.
Thanks for your help.
Cheers, Kim

Hello Kim. I am sorry to hear that. Could you please let us know the AVG program installed on your PC and have you received any blocking popups from the AVG program? Thank you.

Hello Kim. Thank you for the information. I would request you to disable AVG temporarily and check if you could open ROES without an issue. To disable AVG temporarily, please click on . Thank you.

Thanks this helped me get the ROES system for Pikto working. Jim