Hello William,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
To unlock your phone please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: http://avgread.me/1JEloSz .
If that doesn't help, Please click on this link: https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form?l=&retUrl=support_sales .
Select the option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in all of the details and at the bottom you will get the option to get "answer via email"
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team.
Today I tried to replace my old SIM to the new SIM card and since then my phone got locked.
In the background AVG app running says "This device is locked"
To unlock the device you can either:
1. Enter your security PIN
2. Insert previous SIM card
3. visit www.avgmobilation.com
4. Check your email for instructions
Forgot my PIN
I tried all the above options and no email instructions have received.
I have also contacted 3-4 department within AVG to get my own phone unlocked but very very poor service.
I was accused by the agent saying it's my own fault trying to replace the SIM.
I am not happy at all the service I received to resolve the issue. Now I am unable to use my phone.
I am looking forward to hear back from AVG at the earilest.
Hello William,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
To unlock your phone please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: http://avgread.me/1JEloSz .
If that doesn't help, Please click on this link: https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form?l=&retUrl=support_sales .
Select the option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in all of the details and at the bottom you will get the option to get "answer via email"
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team.