Se sincronizan los telefonos asi no esten cerca del cpu. o tiene que estan conectados los dos a internet

Hi Jenny,

Unfortunately I am not sure (from google translation) what is your issue.

If you locked your phone by changing sim you should be able to unlock it if phone is connected to Internet.


se me extravio mi chip y puse otro pero el telefono me pide un codigo de desbloqueyo cambie mi codigo en mi cpu queria saber si tambien s cambia en el telefono si se sincronizan los datosSe sincronizan los telefonos asi no esten cerca del cpu

Hi Jenny,

Unfortunately I am not sure (from google translation) what is your issue.

If you locked your phone by changing sim you should be able to unlock it if phone is connected to Internet.


This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Phones so no cpu devices nearby are synchronized. or is that the two are connected to internet
I was mislaid my chip and got another but the phone asks for a code desbloqueyo change my code on my cpu also wanted to know if s switch on the phone if datosSe synchronize synchronize devices nearby phone so no cpu