Setting up avg on my cell phone

I can't get my AVG to change from free version to the version I bought on my Samsung phone???

Dick, You must login to AVG app using the registered email address and password to activate the Pro features. 
1. Open the installed free AVG app. 
2. Tap on drawer (3 lines) on top-left of the app.
3. Select AVG Account. 
4. Enter your My Account email address and password.
The paid app should get installed automatically.
AVG Guru

Dick, You must login to AVG app using the registered email address and password to activate the Pro features. 
1. Open the installed free AVG app. 
2. Tap on drawer (3 lines) on top-left of the app.
3. Select AVG Account. 
4. Enter your My Account email address and password.
The paid app should get installed automatically.
AVG Guru