Hello Arnie. Sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. I would recommend you to uninstall all unknown/unused programs and browser addons.
OK…I Uninstalled several programs that didn't appear to be system-critical but the pop-up/newpage issues remain!..do you have any other recommendations I might try without messing things up?
I recently purchased, only a month ago, a Dell Inspiron PC with Windows 8 with a subscription to Office 365 in the cloud. Als, last week I purchased a 2-year subscription to AVG Anti-Virus (and this catches everything but adware!). At present I have numerous irritating, frustrating, and work-interfering adware files/programs that have somehow attached themselves to my PC. I ass-umed Dell Support could help (for only $80/per incident!). And it looks to be the same money-grab with AVG…which, once again I asss-umed AVG would be able to kill the adware as part of its functionality. Bottom line is I need HELP!..Is there someway I an get rid of the adware locally without paying for tech support (which frankly a brand-new PC should be covered???)???
- Arnie Garrett
Frustrated in Braselton
OK…I Uninstalled several programs that didn't appear to be system-critical but the pop-up/newpage issues remain!..do you have any other recommendations I might try without messing things up?