So much trouble to install

I've decided to go with Avast. AVG is just too complicated and taking up too much of my time. Even getting into this forum is difficult now. When I used AVG previously I had no problems. However, with all the updates and changing forum, it has become a chore to work with it any longer and that is why I am switching to Avast.

I tried several times to install the free AVG 2014 and 2015 on my desktop WinX?P and the installation goes almost to the end and then I get the message Installation Failed General Internal Error, etc.:

NameBright - Domain Expired

And then I tried again and again and no change. Why isn't this installing? I think I am going to go with Avast.

I've decided to go with Avast. AVG is just too complicated and taking up too much of my time. Even getting into this forum is difficult now. When I used AVG previously I had no problems. However, with all the updates and changing forum, it has become a chore to work with it any longer and that is why I am switching to Avast.
Tom, Have a look @ this article (
AVG Guru
OK Tom, Thanks for advising the AVG Community, which is always available here [], about your intentions. Maybe one day AVG will regain your confidence. Meanwhile you could also always perhaps leave some feedback (
AVG Guru

Tom, If install is still unsuccessful… In order to analyze it please provide AVG with diagnostic output using this tool (
AVG Guru