"Sorry, this product is not supported in your current location"

So while I'm in Sudan I can't use any AVG products even if I bought them? in that case I better not renew my license if it won't work for me.

Hello Max,

Since "Sudan" comes under high risk countries, AVG products aren't available for this region.
This is the reason you are getting this message.
Thank you.

I bought  internet security when I was in Dubai for 1 year, now it expired but I noticed something when I was about to renew, I'm currenly in Africa Sudan for a project. I got this error message today "Sorry, this product is not supported in your current location".

And I can't do anything at all. Not even sure about renewing if it will not work for me.


So while I'm in Sudan I can't use any AVG products even if I bought them? in that case I better not renew my license if it won't work for me.

My question is, if I buy AVG will it work for me in Sudan or not? My credit card is valid. I can use vpn to purchase, so it is possible for me to purchase. Sanctions on Sudan have been lifted a long time ago. Not sure why this still affects sudan. I used to update avg normally using a vpn while in sudan.


Oct 6, 2017 - https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-lifts-sanctions-on-sudan-ending-two-decades-of-embargo/2017/10/06/aac1bd22-86d5-434e-9a21-1e0d57a72cb0_story.html?noredirect=on


AVG will not work in Sudan. If you renew AVG then its features can be used only if you move to other countries.

Hello Max,

Since "Sudan" comes under high risk countries, AVG products aren't available for this region.
This is the reason you are getting this message.
Thank you.

Max, if you are going to stay in Sudan, it is not possible for you to purchase AVG products.
If you are planning move to a different location, you can check the status in our website and proceed with the purchase.