Spelling error in your "AVG PC TuneUp" settings

Hi Craig,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will forward this case to our senior team to correct the spelling in our AVG TuneUp program and they will resolve this issue at the earliest.

Thank you,
Vishnu Vardan
We got an update from our developers that they are already aware of this. They will correct this error in upcoming updates. 
I once again thank you for bringing this to our attention. 
Have a nice day! 

Hi Craig,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will forward this case to our senior team to correct the spelling in our AVG TuneUp program and they will resolve this issue at the earliest.

Thank you,
Vishnu Vardan

Just thought you would want to know about a spelling error in your settings area that a spell check program would not have picked up. It's under 'Notifications' >Software Updater. Second item has "Notify me when programs have bee (instead of BEEN) automatically updated." Yes, I know this has nothing to do with the operation of the program but for a word nerd like me, it looks unprofessional. By the way, you can hire me as a proofreader :slight_smile: