I had the same problem with "Starting Watch Dog Initialization" so I did what AVG support advised to do : safe mode > use the AVG remove tool to uninstall all the AVG component. (which I did though I had lot of troubles to uninstall all component. Eventually, I had to download a free uninstall software to be sure I removed everything from AVG) HOWEVER, to me the problem is not solve because I can't restard the computer in normal mode : it loads endlessly.... Therefore, I don't know what to do next.
I don't have a logitech mouse bluetooth or whatsoever.
Two laptops in my shop had this and I got a tip from AVG CC that led me to the solution. Both had Logitech adapters for a mouse. This turned out to be the problem. Logitech drivers plus Win 10 anniversary update plus AVG = Watch Dog Black Screen.
Remove Logitech USB adapter. Holding down the power button in the middle of rebooting brought up the Start Up Repair screen from which I was able to get to safe mode. Then uninstall AVG. Run removal tool. Reboot back to normal. Run the SetPoint – Logitech Support + Download software. After installation I was able to plug back in the Logitech adapter (at which time it acquired the different drivers from Setpoint) and reinstall AVG as normal. Several reboots and no problems.
I have Fujitsu U574 laptop, operating system Windows 10. I use AVG antivirus. At the same I downloaded 360 Total. When I ordered full check and repair, 360 Total suggested adding some windows files /I don't remember what exactly/. I accepted. After finishing the process I restarted my laptop and it showed the following on the screen:
No key works, no action happens. I can’t start up the laptop. I have read that I should use AVG rescue bootable USB. I did what has been told in introductive video, but it does not work as well.
What is the reason of the above mentioned problem? Is it possible to solve this problem without formatting and losing files? Who can help me to solve this problem?
Hello Max, We regret for the inconvenience caused. We would like to know whether your computer operates under Windows 7 or Windows 8,8.1 or 10. If it operates on windows 7 please long press F8 at the time of restart. In case if your system performs upgraded version of 8, 8.1 or 10 please press SHIFT along with F8. Once you have done this a popup window will appear and select last know good configuration. Select your restore point. Kindly click on the following link to get idea about safe mode and system restore: http://www.howtogeek.com/107511/how-to-boot-into-safe-mode-on-windows-8-the-easy-way/ If you are still facing the same issue please feel free to contact us for further assistance.Thank you
Once uninstalled download the installation file using the link : http://www.avg.com/download to reinstall your AVG program. 5. Run the downloaded file to start the installation process. 6. Follow the instructions on your screen. 7. Complete the installation and restart your computer. If you are still facing any error message please provide us with the screenshot so that we could analyze the issue more better. Please follow the instructions on the article http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot to create the screenshot. Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance. Thank you.
There is a response from someone on this web page [Peter Barker] who reported that he did not have any Logitech wireless mouse on his computers, so the response Karthikeyan of AVG is obviously rubbish and is a get out for AVG. I had a call booked with AVG who reported to me that they would call me between 08:00 and 12:00 today. It's now 12:13 and they have not had the courtesy to call me as promised. THANKFULLY, a second system restore disk I had managed to boot up [the first didn't] and I was able to revert to a Restore Point. If this had failed, the only option I was going to use was install a new hard drive and load that up with a system image I had. So, I am not chuffed with AVG and am quite likely to revert to Windows Defender when my licence for AVG riuns out.
I am having this problem with Windows 10 and AVG Business, same problem. Black screen and Watch Dog message. We have over 70 PCs with Windows 10, so far 2 have failed in the last 24 hours with the new updates. We do not have any logitech drivers on any of the PCs. These are not laptops. They are freshly built and installed with Windows 10 Professional.
So far I have been unsuccessful trying to uninstall AVG in safe mode and when Windows 10 reboots after running the uninstall tool we get the black screen and nothing. We are going to be resetting these 2 PCs and if I get anymore problems with AVG and Windows 10 I will no be renewing my subscription to AVG.
Sorry, this issue should have happened because of installing 360 Total program along with AVG antivirus. Did you try booting your PC into Safe mode? If not please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: http://www.howtogeek.com/107511/how-to-boot-into-safe-mode-on-windows-8-the-easy-way/ to boot your Windows 10 into safe mode. If you are successfully in safe mode then please run the AVG remover tool to remove the traces of AVG antivirus. 1) To download AVG remover tool, please click on this link: http://aa-download.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_Remover.exe 2) Run the downloaded file and follow the onscreen instructions. 3) Restart your PC when the restart option is displayed on the remover tool screen. NOTE: Once you have logged into your PC after the restart, please go to C:\ drive and delete the "AVG REMOVER" folder manually.
After this boot your PC into normal mode and check whether the issue persists.
I had the same problem with "Starting Watch Dog Initialization" so I did what AVG support advised to do : safe mode > use the AVG remove tool to uninstall all the AVG component. (which I did though I had lot of troubles to uninstall all component. Eventually, I had to download a free uninstall software to be sure I removed everything from AVG) HOWEVER, to me the problem is not solve because I can't restard the computer in normal mode : it loads endlessly.... Therefore, I don't know what to do next.
I don't have a logitech mouse bluetooth or whatsoever.
I am having this problem with Windows 10 and AVG Business, same problem. Black screen and Watch Dog message. We have over 70 PCs with Windows 10, so far 2 have failed in the last 24 hours with the new updates. We do not have any logitech drivers on any of the PCs. These are not laptops. They are freshly built and installed with Windows 10 Professional.
So far I have been unsuccessful trying to uninstall AVG in safe mode and when Windows 10 reboots after running the uninstall tool we get the black screen and nothing. We are going to be resetting these 2 PCs and if I get anymore problems with AVG and Windows 10 I will no be renewing my subscription to AVG.
I have exactly the same screen as at the top. Only difference is laptop brand and dates. I am running Win10. I have looked at many help sites and they say to start in safe mode with F8 or shift F8. I have tried both of these and I get the same results. It takes about 10 minutes for the screen to appear each time I start after a forced shutdown. There is no other option from this screen other than forced shutdown. I am writing this on my iPhone and I do not have a way to make either a CD or a flash drive? Do I have to make one of these and use it to boot my PC?
William Schubert you are THE MAN! I have been fighting with my laptop all damn day, read your post and realized I too just bought a new Logitech (M325) wireless mouse a few days ago … it did not start acting up until this morning but as soon as I removed the logitech USB adapter windows was able to start up no problem… AVG uninstaller was finally able to finish removing AVG… thanks again.
We would request you to run AVG remover tool to completely remove AVG and then re install it. Please click this link http://aa-download.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_Remover.exe to download and run the AVG Remover tool. 1. Please select the AVG products which are shown in the remover tool window and then start removal process. 2. After the remover tool process is successfully finished, restart your computer. 3. After the restart, manually delete the AVG Remover folder in the C drive of My computer.
What kind of antivirus program you are providing. Even virus is far better than thesoftware. I am not able to run windows 10 in safe mode. Every time i start I end up getting below information. No progress afterwards. Please provide me a solution to start Windows 10 in Safe mode.I tried the Links provided in this page but no use 2016-07-03 16:28:55.195 Phase 0 : Starting Watch Dog Initialization : 2016-07-03 16:28:55.382 Phase 0 : Loading Config. . . (roots, krnl, setup) 2016-07-03 16:28:55.445 Phase 0 : Pre initialization events. 2016-07-03 16:28:55.460 Phase 0 : Creating watch Dog dynamic key list. 2016-07-03 16:28:55.507 Phase 0 : subsystems initialization. 2016-07-03 16:28:55.710 Phase 0 : finished. 2016-07-03 16:28:55.710 Phase 1 : Initialize components … 2016-07-03 16:28:55.773 Phase 1 : Starting reactor … 2016-07-03 16:28:55.773 Phase 1 : Starting components … 2016-07-03 16:28:55.851 Phase 1 : Starting internal subsystems … 2016-07-03 16:28:55.914 Phase 1 : Starting command channels … 2016-07-03 16:28:55.929 Phase 1 : Srm start actions … 2016-07-03 16:28:55.945 Phase 1 : Starting external subsystems … 2016-07-03 16:28:56.007 Phase 1 : finished …
Hi there im pim sorry for the wierd typing im not realy english but i did everything you sad AVG but i cant open my browser in save mode so i cant open the AVG remover and i can't send over the files thad i dowloaded on my phone to my computer because of save mode so how do i remve avg now?
Hi I'm experiencing the same problem as Zara, however I'm unable to boot my computer into "safe mode." My device is a Toshiba Satellite Laptop running Windows 10. What am I to do?
Oh boy, this watchdog thing is an unmitigated disaster. It happened to my computer last Wednesday, and I was absolutely dead in the water for 4 days. I followed all of the advice on this discussion board, but to no avail. I couldn't even start the computer in safe mode. I had to have an experienced computer tech come in and save my computer. $500 later and 4 missed days of work and I finally have my computer back. It is ironic that the very thing that AVG is trying to protect against – viruses that cause the failure of a computer – is exactly what it caused!!
No luck with nothing plugged in but power and video. I don't even have a logitech KB/mouse. Plus safe mode just hangs and never boots. Is there any fix if you can't boot into windows at all?
I seem to have the exact same problem as well. However, I can't even boot windows into safe mode using any of the suggested methods. Zara M, was your problem resolved, and if it is, how did you manage to do it?