Hello Mieczyslaw,
As per your request, I have cancelled the automatic renewal of AVG PC TuneUp. The license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. Feel free to contact us again if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,
I try to stop automatic renewal of AVG PC TuneUp.
At my account I can see three consecutive bills, including from end of November 2016,
but do not see anything among my active products. The hints given are misleading.
I tried with Chrome and Explorer with no result.
So please stop that renewal for me right now and inform me about that by e-mail.
Thank you in advance
My account data:
Mieczysław Pluta
ul. Szczęśliwa 5
59-500 Złotoryja POLAND
e-mail: mieczyslawpluta@gmail.com
order number from 30 - 11 - 2016: 74394297
reference number: 701-5692255
At my account I can see three consecutive bills, including from end of November 2016,
but do not see anything among my active products. The hints given are misleading.
I tried with Chrome and Explorer with no result.
So please stop that renewal for me right now and inform me about that by e-mail.
Thank you in advance
My account data:
Mieczysław Pluta
ul. Szczęśliwa 5
59-500 Złotoryja POLAND
e-mail: mieczyslawpluta@gmail.com
order number from 30 - 11 - 2016: 74394297
reference number: 701-5692255
Hello Mieczyslaw,
As per your request, I have cancelled the automatic renewal of AVG PC TuneUp. The license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. Feel free to contact us again if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,