We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
May I know in which browser you tried to access the websites?
Did you try to access websites in different browser and check?
Also please disable AVG firewall temporarily and then check for the issue.
Please keep us updated.
Thank you.
AVG is intermittently blocking/not allowing access to a couple government websites ( and If I disable AVG it works fine, if I add exceptions for the sites it also works after clearing the cache. I reached out to the agency and they have many others experiencing the issue with AVG products, it sounds like it is conflicting with the Imperva Web Access Filter they use on their sites and whitelisting the IP didn't correct the issue. Can the engineers look into it, or whitelist at a higher level?
Hi there! Yes I tried the latest firefox, chrome, and edge browsers and they had the same issue. If I turned off AVG it went away… if I turned off HTTPS scanning it went away as well. I believe it has to do with the Imperva certificate they are using on their site but like I said all works well when AVG is disabled/uninstalled.
Thank you for the information.
In order to analyze the websites, we request you to submit the URL for analysis through this website.
If it is confirmed as safe, it will be whitelisted and the virus definitions database will be released through update.
You will also get the status updated via email.
Thank you.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
May I know in which browser you tried to access the websites?
Did you try to access websites in different browser and check?
Also please disable AVG firewall temporarily and then check for the issue.
Please keep us updated.
Thank you.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
May I know in which browser you tried to access the websites?
Did you try to access websites in different browser and check?
Also please disable AVG firewall temporarily and then check for the issue.
Please keep us updated.
Thank you.