Subscription missing

Hello Jason, 

We are glad to clarify your request. You have AVG Ultimate (Multi-Device) (10 devices), valid until January 6, 2024. As you purchased this product from reseller, you are unable to view the subscription under MyAccount.

MyAccount only show products purchased from AVG Website. If you still wish to view subscription under Myaccount, kindly  reach our billing team through phone or chat. 

Visit AVG Billing team to reach our billing team.


I have purchased a separate subscription and it is associated with my email address, confirmed by AVG, but I cannot see it when loged in to my account under subscriptions.
Hello Jason, 

We are glad to clarify your request. You have AVG Ultimate (Multi-Device) (10 devices), valid until January 6, 2024. As you purchased this product from reseller, you are unable to view the subscription under MyAccount.

MyAccount only show products purchased from AVG Website. If you still wish to view subscription under Myaccount, kindly  reach our billing team through phone or chat. 

Visit AVG Billing team to reach our billing team.