Hello Vincent,
You have been charged recently for the renewal of AVG Internet Security (1 Computer) (2 Years) license.
We could also see that you have subscribed for AVG Internet Security - Multi-Device which is valid till 27th October 2021.
Do you wish to get refund for the 1 computer renewal or add the renewed subscription to existing Multi-device?
You are not reimbursing me. You just redrew 109,99 euro from my bankaccount
How many subscriptions do i have for AVG Internet security?
I paid for 10 devices but i also have to pay for one device.
Mister Balasubramanian,
Thank you for your swift response.
I would like you to get a refund for the 1 computer renewal.
With best regards
Carlier Vincent
It says: Dtae transaction 11/12; date: budgeting: 12/12
DRI*AVG technologies Order find.com 109,99 euro
DRI*AVG technologies Order find.com 109,99 euro
Hello Vincent,
You have been charged recently for the renewal of AVG Internet Security (1 Computer) (2 Years) license.
We could also see that you have subscribed for AVG Internet Security - Multi-Device which is valid till 27th October 2021.
Do you wish to get refund for the 1 computer renewal or add the renewed subscription to existing Multi-device?
You are not reimbursing me. You just redrew 109,99 euro from my bankaccount