SVChost using all my bandwidth

Product is up to date Rajendra. Downloads still occurring.  I have now found simlar postings on various user groups concerning this IP address and website; some network administrators with 20 Gig or so of traffic. Can I block downloads from this IP addess using the AVG firewall?

Thanks heaps for this. I have enable the blacklist. I will let you know if it works for my issue. Still interested to know what these 3Gig packages are that the Microsoft edge server keep sending me when update is disabled! Spyware or an unrequested version of windows 10?

Yes Bob, you can allow or block a specific ip address using AVG Firewall. Please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: . Thank you.

Hello Bob.
I understand how something like this can really try your patience. Could you please let me know the name of the AVG product you have installed in your pc? so that we are glad to help you with it. Please feel free to contact us back for any further assistance. Thank you.

I have been experiencing excessive consumption of my 4G wireless data for many months (15GB in just a few days and we don't stream video or transfer images).  AVG can't find any virus issues or malware so I installed Glasswire. It seems that SVChost.exe is connecting randomly to an IP address ( which appears to be a microsoft server. However, when I type in the IP address in question it resolves to!   When this application runs, it chews 1gig in a few minutes. Do I have malware that AVG isn't detecting? I have auto updates shut off. 1 gig of data transfer is large and if I let it run it will chew over 3gig before it stops. Any ideas folks?

Bob, May I know you have updated AVG product up to date ? I request you to update the AVG program and scan the system to detect Virus.  Please do contact us again,if you face any issue regarding AVG. Thank you.



The product is AVG Internet Security Full version, and we also have PC Tuneup. I have just used another 3Gig of data in teh last 24h BTW.





Yes Bob, you can allow or block a specific ip address using AVG Firewall. Please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: . Thank you.

Hello Bob. I really appreciate your efforts. I request you to also contact Microsoft to make sure if 3Gig packages are being updated by Microsoft server. Thank you.



The product is AVG Internet Security Full version, and we also have PC Tuneup. I have just used another 3Gig of data in teh last 24h BTW.





Hello Bob.
I understand how something like this can really try your patience. Could you please let me know the name of the AVG product you have installed in your pc? so that we are glad to help you with it. Please feel free to contact us back for any further assistance. Thank you.