Hello Andy. It was pleasure to hear that your issue has been resolved and we would really appreciate all your patience and efforts. Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.
Footnote: The firewall suggestion was a good one. The way that ACT was behaving, it could very well have been a firewall issue. That wasn't the problem in my case, but for people experiencing a similar issue the firewall is definitely something to double check if the exceptions are not working.
Thanks again…
I use ACT! v.17 and AVG 2015. For months, I've had no issues. However, after the last AVG update ACT will no longer open. The only indication ACT "tries" to run is if I have the processes open in Task Manager. It blinks momentarily and then disappears. No errors. No windows logs. No nothing.
At first, I thought it was an ACT issue but it's come to my attention that it's AVG. I can reproduce the issue by re-enabling AVG. If I leave it disabled, ACT opens and works fine. Can anyone tell me what to add in the exceptions list? I've tried adding specific ACT files and then adding the whole folder to the exceptions list. So far no luck. As long as AVG is active ACT won't open. Also tried adding the SQL server folder to exeptions thinking it was blocking that rather than the ACT application. That didn't help either.
It would be convenient if I could use ACT AND have a functioning anti-virus at the same time so I can do other things. It's got to be missing something simple…
Thanks for your time.
Footnote: The firewall suggestion was a good one. The way that ACT was behaving, it could very well have been a firewall issue. That wasn't the problem in my case, but for people experiencing a similar issue the firewall is definitely something to double check if the exceptions are not working.
Thanks again…