Taking money from my account

As it isn't prescribed to share the record data over this post, we've sent you an email mentioning not many information.

Hi Eddie,

We acknowledge your refund request.
Upon checking our records, it seems that the charge is found under your alternate account. 
As it isn't recommended to share the account info over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info.
Please revert to us via email to proceed further.

Can you please refund £34.99 that you have taken out of my PayPal account. I had a free trial and you said you would contact me with a few days notice before it expired but you haven’t 

Hi Eddie,

We acknowledge your refund request.
Upon checking our records, it seems that the charge is found under your alternate account. 
As it isn't recommended to share the account info over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info.
Please revert to us via email to proceed further.

As it isn't prescribed to share the record data over this post, we've sent you an email mentioning not many information.


Please let us know if you have any concern with AVG and we will help you.
We request you to write us back in your own post in order to locate the account details and help you further.
Thank you.