it's actually pretty annoying. being a professional server monitoring guy, i don't like to see orange and red marks in my 'health monitoring' software. i should be able to filter out the pieces and alerts that i don't care about, so that my 'health monitoring' software is green, not orange or red.
Hello John,
I certainly understand your concern but unfortunately you can change the settings of these. If you didn't install AVG Web tuneup then on the zen interface it will show the circle of web tuneup in orange color and that cannot be removed or changed but I don't think that it will be annoying. If you aren't interested to install AVG web tuneup then please ignore it even if it shows that is the problem.
Please feel free to contact us should you need any assistance.
Thank you.
can i customize what Zen things is a problem and what Zen ignores? i don't want to use "avg web tuneup" and i don't want to install the "AVG Web TuneUp" browser plugin. and i don't want Zen to keep a big orange warning open telling me that's a problem.

Hello John,
I certainly understand your concern but unfortunately you can change the settings of these. If you didn't install AVG Web tuneup then on the zen interface it will show the circle of web tuneup in orange color and that cannot be removed or changed but I don't think that it will be annoying. If you aren't interested to install AVG web tuneup then please ignore it even if it shows that is the problem.
Please feel free to contact us should you need any assistance.
Thank you.
I certainly understand your concern but unfortunately you can change the settings of these. If you didn't install AVG Web tuneup then on the zen interface it will show the circle of web tuneup in orange color and that cannot be removed or changed but I don't think that it will be annoying. If you aren't interested to install AVG web tuneup then please ignore it even if it shows that is the problem.
Please feel free to contact us should you need any assistance.
Thank you.