Terminating subscription

Hello Allan,

We acknowledge your subscription cancellation request.
It isn't recommended to share account/order, personal info over this public post.
As per your request, we have canceled the auto-renewal for your subscription to AVG TuneUp (Multi-Device). Therefore, you won't be charged in the future after the expiration of the product.
Let us know if, you need further help.

Dear Sirs.

You send me a mail, telling me, that my AVG TuneUp (16442396710) will be terminated at November 27, 2021, and that I should have to give you new informations on my credit card in order for you to renew my subscribtion. 

PLEASE NOTE : I do not want you to  renew my subscribtion in any way, shape or form, I wrote you about it before, and that is why my credit card has been changed, so do not try to bill me anything, as I do not want anything to do with your product.


Allan H. Pedersen. (allanhpe@webspeed.dk)


Hello Allan,

We acknowledge your subscription cancellation request.
It isn't recommended to share account/order, personal info over this public post.
As per your request, we have canceled the auto-renewal for your subscription to AVG TuneUp (Multi-Device). Therefore, you won't be charged in the future after the expiration of the product.
Let us know if, you need further help.