The license did not come

Hi Jaroslava,

We request you not to share the order numbers on a public forum.
Since it is not advised to share the order details on a public post, we have sent you an email and explained the status of it.
Please revert to our email for further assistance.
If the email is not found in inbox do check in spam and junk folders.
Thank you.

Hello, we have created a total of 2 orders (375773142139 and 381798822139). Payment instructions came in 3 (2x 375773142139 and 1x 381798822139) The accountant overlooked order 381798822139 and paid 2x 375773142139. No license came to our account or e-mail. So you can send us 2 paid.
Hi Jaroslava,

We request you not to share the order numbers on a public forum.
Since it is not advised to share the order details on a public post, we have sent you an email and explained the status of it.
Please revert to our email for further assistance.
If the email is not found in inbox do check in spam and junk folders.
Thank you.