Hello Barbara,
The support here is available only in English.
It is not advisable to provide your personal information in public forum. The automatic renewal is already cancelled on your account, you will not be charged by AVG automatically in the future.
Chcę zrezygnować z zakupu licencji nr xxxxxxxxxxx
Moje zamówienie ma numer xxxxxxxxxxz 20.09.2020.
Nie mogę tego zrobić przez e- mail xxxxxxx bo nie mam linku weryfikacyjnego.
Proszę o przysłanie go. Pozdrawiam, Barbara Mackiewicz
I want to cancel the purchase of the license number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx My order number is xxxxxxxxx from 20/09/2020. I can not do it by e-mail xxxxxxxxxxxxx because I do not have a verification link. Please send it over. Regards, Barbara Mackiewicz
Hello Barbara,
The support here is available only in English.
It is not advisable to provide your personal information in public forum. The automatic renewal is already cancelled on your account, you will not be charged by AVG automatically in the future.