Theft geblokkeerd wachtwoord vergeten

Astrid, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Theft blocked password
I actually did not know that this function was activated on my smartphone. There I with T mobile poor range E … we had T-Mobile do another SIM card in my phone. And I also my simcard in another phone. When blocked my phone. I do not have a password.
FOR ME A DRAMA. I get my phone no longer protected mode off. BUT I need it as an alarm, I am seriously handicapped wheelchair star. If I need help, I'll call my sons elsewhere in the house. HOPE urgently your help. Have already been somewhere a few times, situated that I could not call for help. I can not unlock. I have not activated it. No one who comes to my mobile. I do not wchtwoord. HOPE PROMPT your help. mvg

Don't know if this will help?.. Have a look @ this article ( .
AVG Guru

Ik wist eigenlijk niet dat deze functie op mijn smartphone geactiveerd was. Daar ik bij T mobile slecht bereik heb E…moesten we van T-Mobile een andere SIM card in mijn toestel doen. En ik mijn simcard ook in een ander toestel. Toen blokkeerde mijn toestel. Ik weet geen wachtwoord.
VOOR MIJ EEN DRAMA. Ik krijg mijn GSM niet meer van de blokkeer stand af. MAAR heb deze nodig als alarm, daar ik meervoudig gehandicapt rolstoelster ben. Als ik hulp nodig heb, bel ik mijn zoons elders in huis. HOOP met spoed op uw hulp. Heb al enkele keren ergens gezeten, gelegen dat ik geen hulp kon inroepen. Ik kan niet ontgrendelen. Ik heb dit niet geactiveerd. Niemand die aan mijn mobiel komt. Ik weet geen wchtwoord. HOOP met SPOED op uw hulp. Mvg


Astrid, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Theft blocked password
I actually did not know that this function was activated on my smartphone. There I with T mobile poor range E … we had T-Mobile do another SIM card in my phone. And I also my simcard in another phone. When blocked my phone. I do not have a password.
FOR ME A DRAMA. I get my phone no longer protected mode off. BUT I need it as an alarm, I am seriously handicapped wheelchair star. If I need help, I'll call my sons elsewhere in the house. HOPE urgently your help. Have already been somewhere a few times, situated that I could not call for help. I can not unlock. I have not activated it. No one who comes to my mobile. I do not wchtwoord. HOPE PROMPT your help. mvg

Don't know if this will help?.. Have a look @ this article ( .
AVG Guru