Hello Cindy,
We will check and help you.
Do you get threat secured pop-up when you access any specific website or all websites?
Have you tried to access those websites in all browsers such as Google chrome, Firefox, Edge etc?
Please share us the screenshot of the threat Secured pop-up which you received from AVG.
We look forward for your response.
I keep having the THREAT SECURED pop up on every page during being online. It is so annoying. It says it is secured so why does it have to keep popping up. I want this gone. How do I get it to stop popping up on every window opened?
Hello Cindy,
We will check and help you.
Do you get threat secured pop-up when you access any specific website or all websites?
Have you tried to access those websites in all browsers such as Google chrome, Firefox, Edge etc?
Please share us the screenshot of the threat Secured pop-up which you received from AVG.
We look forward for your response.