Niels, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Danish to English]
Former Norman customer
I have a license for Norman antivirus until January 2019. However, I'm reminded that I will purchase a license at AVG. But I do not want to pay double license to you. I can not understand that when you can go in and replace the grandmother with AVG, why could not you transfer the license.
I would like to know what to do to keep my license.
with best regards
AVG Guru
Jeg har licens til Norman antivirus indtil Januar 2019. Men jeg får påmindelser om at jeg skal købe licens hos AVG. Men jeg har ikke lyst til at betale dobbelt licens til jer. Jeg kan ikke forstå at når i kan gå ind og udskifte morman med AVG- hvorfor kunne i så ikke overføre licensen.
Jeg vil gerne have at vide hvad jeg skal gøre for at bevare min licens.
med venlig hilsen
Niels Otto Madsen
045 61331745
Niels, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Danish to English]
Former Norman customer
I have a license for Norman antivirus until January 2019. However, I'm reminded that I will purchase a license at AVG. But I do not want to pay double license to you. I can not understand that when you can go in and replace the grandmother with AVG, why could not you transfer the license.
I would like to know what to do to keep my license.
with best regards
AVG Guru
Hello Niels,
I am sorry for not replying in your language. From the translation provided by Alan, I understand that your Norman program upgraded to AVG but only as a trial version. Please open AVG interface and check if you see a request to create an AVG account. Please create an AVG MyAccount with the email address which you had registered with Norman to activate paid AVG subscription.
Should you have any queries, please respond in English to assist you further.