Too much of a good thing? PC-TuneUp

Hello George,
We do understand your concern. There is nothing wrong in using the AVG PC TuneUp often. This will improve your system performance. However, we recommend you not to use disk defrag sc an often. This is recommended to run only once in a week or two.
Thank you

Thanks Kathi.  YES, I know about 'disc-defrag' and I rarely use it ... only when AVG suggests it (very rare).   Actually, I should've said that I was using "1-click maintenance" (but i wrote PC-TuneUP by mistake)  So then, can frequent use of "1-click maintenance" be too much of a good thing?

Yes George,
It is recommended to run the 1-click maintenance frequently inorder to fix all the errors on your PC and make your PC to perform better.
Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.
Thank you.

I've had PC-TuneUp for several years, and I love it.  Lately, I have been using it very often, more often than usual, as I have increased the hours of my internet sales and promotion activities.  I'm using a laptop heavily loaded of files and images so I have been using PC-TuneUp about 8 to 10 times each day, and it keeps the laptop running smooth and quick ... and I believe it's because I run PC-TuneUp every time I take a break.  I do it automatically and habitually because it works for me, and I intend to keep doing it, along with the other two laptops in my home network.

So then, is PC-TuneUp like adding good lubricant to a hot motor making it run smooth ? or am I risking damage by overworking the hard drive with all those PC-TuneUp scans ?  

Hello George,
We do understand your concern. There is nothing wrong in using the AVG PC TuneUp often. This will improve your system performance. However, we recommend you not to use disk defrag sc an often. This is recommended to run only once in a week or two.
Thank you

Thanks Kathi.  YES, I know about 'disc-defrag' and I rarely use it ... only when AVG suggests it (very rare).   Actually, I should've said that I was using "1-click maintenance" (but i wrote PC-TuneUP by mistake)  So then, can frequent use of "1-click maintenance" be too much of a good thing?

Yes George,
It is recommended to run the 1-click maintenance frequently inorder to fix all the errors on your PC and make your PC to perform better.
Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.
Thank you.