Hello George.
We certainly understand your requirements and help accordingly.
Currently, you have active subscription for AVG Ultimate (Multi-device) which includes AVG Internet Security, AVG TuneUp, AVG Secure VPN and AVG Password Protection for Windows devices.
I am sorry to hear that AVG TuneUp did not meet your expectations. If you would like, our technical support team (https://support.avg.com/support_tech_chat) would be glad to troubleshoot the issue concerning AVG TuneUp and configure it with recommended settings.
If you are sure that you do not want to use other products in the bundle, I will cancel the automatic renewal for AVG Ultimate subscription.
So when the current subscription expires, you can buy a new AVG Internet Security (Multi-device).
I have been with AVG for years using Internet Security, but about 6 months ago paid for a one year add-on of Tuneup.
It is terrible and totally slows down my computer and tune up runs but does not show it is running while I am in other programs, causing these to run slowly as well.
My account shows I have the following now active;
1. Secure VPN
2. Password Protection
3. Internet Security for Windows
4. Tuneup for windows
The only program I want/need is 3. Internet security which historically has always been paid for multi-computers (3).
I have also started to receive emails from TotalAV and on your Community pages this was described as a "service provided by AVG", yet on another attempt to verify who they actually are, (Yahoo question) their answer was that there was no connection to AVG! It was on that visit to AVG Community that I saw multiple questions raised about Tuneup.
I have removed tuneup from Win10progs/APPS am left wondering if it is still there, maybe in win10 registry or win7 registry(I have three computers, used for different purposes, the Win7 running older paid for programs which would cost a fortune to upgrad to Wn10).
My currently used laptop has been running slowly both on switch on and switch off, a previous answer her suggesting that this was due to tune up and the other freebies were running in background and took a long time to start and also to switch off.
I only want the internet security when my current service ends in Feb 2021, I use other password protection means and do not want AVG VPN.
I need some sort of assurance that come Feb2021 the only servcie required/supplied by AVG will be the Internet Security service.
Can you ensure this is provided and removed from my current service as soon as possible. This is not a question it is a requirement if I will be expected to continue with AVG after next February.
Thank you.
Hello George.
We certainly understand your requirements and help accordingly.
Currently, you have active subscription for AVG Ultimate (Multi-device) which includes AVG Internet Security, AVG TuneUp, AVG Secure VPN and AVG Password Protection for Windows devices.
I am sorry to hear that AVG TuneUp did not meet your expectations. If you would like, our technical support team (https://support.avg.com/support_tech_chat) would be glad to troubleshoot the issue concerning AVG TuneUp and configure it with recommended settings.
If you are sure that you do not want to use other products in the bundle, I will cancel the automatic renewal for AVG Ultimate subscription.
So when the current subscription expires, you can buy a new AVG Internet Security (Multi-device).