Всплывающее окно о неоплаченном продукте

Marina, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Russian to English]
The pop-up window about the unpaid product
I bought an AVG Ultimate product for 1 year, until June 9, 2019. The amount of money was withdrawn from my card and a check was sent. Why do I have a window about not completing a purchase? Why did not automatic recognition of the purchase occur?
AVG Guru

Hi Marina,

The service is provided only in English. Please visit https://support.avg.com for more help or respond back in English.

Купила продукт AVG Ultimate на 1 год, сроком до 9 июня 2019 г. С моей карты сняли положенную сумму денег и прислали чек. Почему у меня всплывает окно о не завершении покупки? Почему не произошло автоматическое распознавание покупки?

Marina, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Russian to English]
The pop-up window about the unpaid product
I bought an AVG Ultimate product for 1 year, until June 9, 2019. The amount of money was withdrawn from my card and a check was sent. Why do I have a window about not completing a purchase? Why did not automatic recognition of the purchase occur?
AVG Guru

Hi Marina,

The service is provided only in English. Please visit https://support.avg.com for more help or respond back in English.