ДЕНИС, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Tell me please.
Prompt Why does not the protection of personal data? and says "protection is not complete" and "personal information are not protected," writes the correct call link - Unable to automatically restore the state. Unable to fix one or more components. How to fix the LRA?
AVG Guru
Подскажите почему не работает защита личных данных? так и пишет "защита не является полной" и "личные данные не защищены" вызываю ссылку исправить пишет - Не удалось автоматически востановить состояние. Не удалось исправить один или несколько компонентов. Как зто исправить?
ДЕНИС, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
Tell me please.
Prompt Why does not the protection of personal data? and says "protection is not complete" and "personal information are not protected," writes the correct call link - Unable to automatically restore the state. Unable to fix one or more components. How to fix the LRA?
AVG Guru
Tell me please.
Prompt Why does not the protection of personal data? and says "protection is not complete" and "personal information are not protected," writes the correct call link - Unable to automatically restore the state. Unable to fix one or more components. How to fix the LRA?
AVG Guru