Добавить подписки, приобретенные по другому адресу электронной почты, на страницу Мои подписки,


We're glad to help you with the info.
As it isn't recommended to share the product details over this post, we've sent you an email regarding it.
Please check & revert to us for further queries.
Note : The support available here is in English currently. You can for example use Google Translator (https://bit.ly/2xAiEc8) for translation purpose.

Как добавить подписки, приобретенные по другому адресу электронной почты, на страницу Мои подписки,


We're glad to help you with the info.
As it isn't recommended to share the product details over this post, we've sent you an email regarding it.
Please check & revert to us for further queries.
Note : The support available here is in English currently. You can for example use Google Translator (https://bit.ly/2xAiEc8) for translation purpose.