Hello, greetings from AVG!
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, http://translate.google.com/) to read our response.
Since it is not recommended to share your activation code on this public forum, I have sent an email containing further steps.
Please check your inbox and spam box as well.
Добрый день! 16.10.2020г. оплатил годовую подписку, загрузил платную версию, но предоставленный код не активирует подписку, программа указывает на отсутствие введенного кода, введенный код не однократно проверил, введен верно!
Почему предоставленный код не активирует приобретенный продукт?
Почему предоставленный код не активирует приобретенный продукт?
Hello, greetings from AVG!
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, http://translate.google.com/) to read our response.
Since it is not recommended to share your activation code on this public forum, I have sent an email containing further steps.
Please check your inbox and spam box as well.
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, http://translate.google.com/) to read our response.
Since it is not recommended to share your activation code on this public forum, I have sent an email containing further steps.
Please check your inbox and spam box as well.