Установка бесплатного антивируса после пробной 30 дневной прогаммы

У мменя была  установлена бесплатная 30-ти дневная антивирусная AVG - после истечения срока не могу установить бесплатный AVG антивирус - постоянно идёт сообщение - срок пробной версии истёк - ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ?! С УВАЖЕНИЕМ - ЮРИЙ ИЗ ОДЕССЫ

Yury, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Installing the free antivirus trial after 30 day proscale
Mmenya have been set free 30-day AVG anti-virus - after the expiration can not install the free AVG antivirus - constantly talking Post - trial period has expired - WHAT ?! Yours - YURI from Odessa

Have a look @ this AVG article (http://avgclick.me/removeAVGtrialpopup).
AVG Guru

Sorry for not replying in your native language. It is to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving your issue?
Thank you.

Yury, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Installing the free antivirus trial after 30 day proscale
Mmenya have been set free 30-day AVG anti-virus - after the expiration can not install the free AVG antivirus - constantly talking Post - trial period has expired - WHAT ?! Yours - YURI from Odessa

Have a look @ this AVG article (http://avgclick.me/removeAVGtrialpopup).
AVG Guru