Переплата за продление лицензии

Nikolai, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Russian to English]
Overpayment for license renewal
Having issued the first time a subscription to AVG Pc TuneUP, I agreed to an automatic annual renewal, but this year I was charged twice (28.08 and 04.09) on the card for 1168.2 rubles. Appeals to the service department have not yet been successful. Please return an erroneously written off amount of 1 168.2 r
AVG Guru

оформив первый раз подписку на AVG Pc TuneUP, я согласился на автоматическое ежегодное продление, но в этом году у меня дважды (28.08 и 04.09) списали с карты по 1168,2 р. Обращения в сервис службу пока безрезультатны. Прошу вернуть ошибочно списанную сумму в 1 168,2 р

Nikolai, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Russian to English]
Overpayment for license renewal
Having issued the first time a subscription to AVG Pc TuneUP, I agreed to an automatic annual renewal, but this year I was charged twice (28.08 and 04.09) on the card for 1168.2 rubles. Appeals to the service department have not yet been successful. Please return an erroneously written off amount of 1 168.2 r
AVG Guru

Okay, thank you, but I need a refund the second withdrawal

Thank you so much for your response.

I have escalated the case to the refund team to process you the refund for the renewal of AVG PC TuneUp subscription.

Our refund team will get in touch with you through email as soon as possible with the resolution for refund.

Hello Николай,

The support is available only in English.

From the Alan's translation, I understand that you were charged twice for the renewal of AVG PC TuneUp.

I see that you were charged twice. If you wish, instead of refund, you can merge both these products to single subscription, so you can use the single subscription of AVG PC TuneUp for two years.

If you still wish to have refund, please let us know and we will escalate this case to the concerned team.