Обновление антивируса

Hello Marina,

Currently, the service here is provided in English.
Please explain your concern in English to get further assistance.
Thank you.

Не происходит обновление опреде вирусов. Нажимаю "обновить сейчас", как будто запускается обновление: загрузка файла servers.def.vpx и выдает: "Неизвестная ошибка". Оставляла компьютер включенным и на ночь, чтобы прошло обновление, но бесполезно. 
Обновление последнее месяц назад (версия от 28.02.2018). Что делать?

Hello Marina,

Currently, the service here is provided in English.
Please explain your concern in English to get further assistance.
Thank you.

Marina, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Russian to English]
anti-virus update
Virus definitions are not updated. I click "update now", as if the update is being launched: the download of the servers.def.vpx file and produces: "Unknown error". Leave the computer on and for the night to be updated, but it's useless.
Update last month ago (version of 28.02.2018). What to do?
AVG Guru

Marina, from the translation provided by Alan, I understand that you are facing issue with AVG update.
I am sorry for the inconvenience caused and will assist further on this matter.
We have recently released the 18.3 version of AVG.
Perform update of AVG Antivirus/Internet Security and check whether it resolves the issue and updates to the latest version.