Alex, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
I want to install windows 10, but I have to throw the August anti EURT driven in rural areas, and my friend said that if you perekinesh August anti virus on drive D and skachaesh vindos, then you will not have sound, it's true or you can throw on the disc and load vidos 10 is not no Che
AVG Guru
я хочу устоновить виндос 10 но мне надо перекинуть авг анти вурсу с а на диск д, а мне друг сказал что если ты перекинеш авг анти вирус на диск д и скачаеш виндос то у тебя не будет звука, это правда или можно перекинуть на диск и скачать видос 10 не чё не будет
Я хочу устоновил vindos 10, но у меня есть, чтобы бросить августовский анти ВУРСа с приводом на селе, и мой друг сказал, что, если вы perekinesh августа анти вирус на диске D и skachaesh vindos, то вы не будете иметь звук, это правда, или Вы можете бросить на диск и загрузить видосах 10 не не Че
Alex, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
I want to install windows 10, but I have to throw the August anti EURT driven in rural areas, and my friend said that if you perekinesh August anti virus on drive D and skachaesh vindos, then you will not have sound, it's true or you can throw on the disc and load vidos 10 is not no Che
AVG Guru
I want to install windows 10, but I have to throw the August anti EURT driven in rural areas, and my friend said that if you perekinesh August anti virus on drive D and skachaesh vindos, then you will not have sound, it's true or you can throw on the disc and load vidos 10 is not no Che
AVG Guru
Alex, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
what will happen if the other drives spanned August
I want ustonovil vindos 10 but I have to throw the August anti EURT with and on the drive d, and a friend told me that if you perekinesh August anti virus on the disc d and skachaesh vindos then you will not have sound, it's true, or you can throw on the disc and download vidos 10 is not no Che
I want ustonovil vindos 10, but I have to throw the August anti EURT driven in rural areas, and my friend said that if you perekinesh August anti virus on drive D and skachaesh vindos, then you will not have sound, it's true or you can throw on the disc and load vidos 10 is not no Che
AVG Guru
what will happen if the other drives spanned August
I want ustonovil vindos 10 but I have to throw the August anti EURT with and on the drive d, and a friend told me that if you perekinesh August anti virus on the disc d and skachaesh vindos then you will not have sound, it's true, or you can throw on the disc and download vidos 10 is not no Che
I want ustonovil vindos 10, but I have to throw the August anti EURT driven in rural areas, and my friend said that if you perekinesh August anti virus on drive D and skachaesh vindos, then you will not have sound, it's true or you can throw on the disc and load vidos 10 is not no Che
AVG Guru