Zoran, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Technical support,
I need help, how do I change the password, because I creating passwords for the location, theft, and wipe data from telefona.aktivirao same password, and Boim that can happen, if you activate the password for the phone's location since it is the same password to be my deleted data with telefona.Zahvalan, Zoran
AVG Guru
Zoran, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Technical support,
I need help, how do I change the password, because I creating passwords for the location, theft, and wipe data from telefona.aktivirao same password, and Boim that can happen, if you activate the password for the phone's location since it is the same password to be my deleted data with telefona.Zahvalan, Zoran
AVG Guru
Потребна ми је помоћ,како да променим лозинке,посто сам креирајући лозинке за локацију,крађу,и брисања података са телефона.активирао исту лозинку,па се боим да се може догодити,ако активирам лозинку за локацију телефона пошто је иста лозинка да ми буду избрисани податци са телефона.Захвалан,Зоран
Hello Zoran. Sorry for not replying on your native language. It seems that you have the issues with the Antitheft password. Please have a look at this article http://bit.ly/1JEloSz to unlock your mobile phone. If it fails please click on the following link http://bit.ly/1EC8H4H and fill out your details, select as android then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your mobile and in description explain about your issue completely and finally click on Email option. Our AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email with a resolution.